Drawing Unknown Faces, part 141

11 May

I found this photo through zFlick with the search term “bird”. The plan was to analyze it, deconstruct it and create a new image (drawing).

IMG_0001 (!)
Originally uploaded by Mareen Fischinger

So, this was my first attempt. The inkblot happened while erasing the pencil markings.

Drawing Unknown Faces, part 141

Oh boy, there is so much wrong in this sketch. I guess I just didn’t grasp the three dimensional mental picture of this woman. So, the inkblot was the least of my worries. Back to the drawing board. You can’t draw a human head by just drawing what you see. The ear is nice, though.

After some fruitless attempts to grok Bridgman’s anatomy, I gave it another try, this time with reed pen and ink. Now, a reed pen is a rather unpredictable tool. You never know how much ink is going to flow from the point. So the inevitable happened; ink spilled over my drawing. To save this drawing, I made her hair black.

Drawing Unknown Faces, part 141-b

I think I don’t have her anatomy correct at this point, but I don’t feel like trying again. The anatomy is much better, but next time, I should simply “block” the drawing, so I’ll get the big parts right first, and postpone getting into the details.

This inked drawing was cleaned once digitized, and converted into pure white and pure black. I didn’t note how many hours I spent on these two drawing, but I’m sure it was more than 3 hours.

That is all.